About Me

Army Veteran. I was born in Western New York, but I’ve lived in a lot of places. Now I call Long Beach, CA home. I run a coaching business focused on productivity, habit formation, and career change primarily for individuals with ADHD and Adult Children of Hoarders and a vocational training program for construction workers. I am one of those weirdos who loves wearing a lot of hats (literally and figuratively).

My life’s mission is to leave my corner of the world a little better than when I came into it. I am a change agent. This blog is a place for me to share my insights with a wider audience so that I can make a bigger impact. Hopefully something I share will be useful for you.

One of my favorite things in the world is the “light bulb moment.” Seeing that moment when someone gets it. Sadly, I won’t get to see that with my readers, but I hope that you will reach out and let me know what works for you and what I could tweak a bit.


If you are interested in coaching you can email me at cwatkinsma@gmail.com or check out my profile at https://www.noomii.com/users/christina-watkins